October 3, 2015


I have been blogging quite often lately about occurrences in my life and exciting new things. This is not exciting. It's definitely new, but I am not happy. I got my hair cut. I like to think of myself as someone who enjoys trying new things and is a bit adventurous at times. Never mind all of that. My idea of a haircut was trimming my bob to under my chin and adding choppy layers to get rid of my mom-do hair. Well, my hair stylist wasn't too keen on listening to what I had to say and chopped all of my hair off to right under my ears and my bangs look even worse than when they were thick and long. I got out of the hair salon and as soon as I got into the car I was crying.

I know your hair shouldn't be your safety blanket, but mine has always been. When I had my unnecessarily long hair, people would always compliment it, when I cut my bob and bangs, people commented on how I looked 'cute' and I was good with that. If I had a bad outfit day or my acne decided to act up, my hair looked good so it was okay. Now, I'm insecure about my acne, body image and my hair. It's not a good feeling to feel uncomfortable in your own skin.

It hasn't even been a whole day and I've heard about a million people tell me, "It will grow back!" I am so tired of hearing that. My first reaction seeing my hair was "I look like a patient in a mental ward who cut her own hair without using a mirror." I am insecure and embarrassed. I rely on my hair so much. I know that in about a month I will be fine and semi-satisfied with my image, but a month is a long time. So for now, I will stick to wearing hats, or propping my glasses upon my head to somewhat cover the horrendous 'mental ward patient hair do.' So long, cute bob. 

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