April 16, 2016


Tycho played softly in the car as we drove past the giant mountains of sand and could smell the ocean in the city of Seaside. It was peace and silence. It was a feeling of comfort. Of comfort in a place of familiarity and only good memories. A place of sunshine and happy children. Somewhere you remember the time you were a flower girl in this city of Monterey. Six years old and carefree. A place where your six year old self takes over your entirety.

You're transported back into a mindset of serenity. An oasis of some sorts. An oasis where you're only allowed a certain amount of time in. Time of tranquility is limited, as spending too much time in stillness makes it harder to return to business. A place where your skin soaks up the sun. Where your bare toes wiggle in the sand and meet the sudsy waves that roll in.

Somewhere you walk along the bustling street. The bustling street that isn't meant to be walked on. That doesn't have a sidewalk or a pathway to follow. And you momentarily stop walking. Admiring the sunset and basking in the beautiful weather. Capturing new memories in photos. And the next morning marks the end of peace. Time of tranquility is limited.

January 17, 2016


I am sitting in a pile of blankets on a leather couch in the middle of a vacant living room. After a long day, as the rain pours outside, some unknown science fiction movie is playing on mute on the television and 'Slacks' by St. South is playing softly with the pitter patter of rain on the window behind me. The lights are off and I'm thinking about today. I love people watching. Not in a weird, obsessive way. In a way that I love sitting in a cafe and seeing how other people use their time. I love reading people's names written on their coffee cups and having a discussion with myself in my head about how well their exterior image fits their name. I love how some people converse with their friends, a ghost of a smile always painted on their lips. How some people sit, with eyebrows furrowed and their computer and schoolwork sprawled across the table.

I also happen to love, love. A couple in their twenties stand in the aisle next to me in Rocket Reuse and as the girl jokingly tries on a faux fur coat, his loving gaze towards her only grows stronger. A mother and her young daughter giggle at something they see across the street and the little girl squeezes her mother's hand in excitement. A young women stands in the sunglasses section with me in To Herb With Love and smiles at herself in the mirror, finally finding the pair of shades she felt fit her face shape. This post is definitely all over the place and there isn't really one topic I've stuck to, but I wanted to share the thoughts going through my head. 

January 1, 2016


Hi everyone! I've decided to make an end of the year post, even though it's already January 1st. 2015 was probably the most eventful year I had experienced. I dealt with the most stress I have ever had to endure, the most excitement, being away from my family and meeting Anoula. The stress came with massive loads of work to do, resulting in many emotional breakdowns and overcoming my own personal issues. In February, Anoula came to SF and we made the most amazing memories that I will never forget. My friend Nicole and I went to our second One Direction concert this year which was such an amazing experience that was honestly quite indescribable, along with graduating and going on my school trip to the east coast in the spring time. That was surprisingly the first time I had ever left California or my family for such a long period of time and I won't lie, I cried a bit. Then, towards the end of summer vacation, my grandmother and I went to New York as a birthday present to me. I plan on moving their after school, so it was the perfect gift. We saw the beautiful city of New York, met up with Anoula and her younger sister and later stayed with my uncle in his home in the Hamptons. Although, 2015 was definitely a roller coaster, it was the best one I've ever been on and I don't even like roller coasters. Let's hope 2016 will be just as magnificent. I wish you all the best.