January 17, 2016


I am sitting in a pile of blankets on a leather couch in the middle of a vacant living room. After a long day, as the rain pours outside, some unknown science fiction movie is playing on mute on the television and 'Slacks' by St. South is playing softly with the pitter patter of rain on the window behind me. The lights are off and I'm thinking about today. I love people watching. Not in a weird, obsessive way. In a way that I love sitting in a cafe and seeing how other people use their time. I love reading people's names written on their coffee cups and having a discussion with myself in my head about how well their exterior image fits their name. I love how some people converse with their friends, a ghost of a smile always painted on their lips. How some people sit, with eyebrows furrowed and their computer and schoolwork sprawled across the table.

I also happen to love, love. A couple in their twenties stand in the aisle next to me in Rocket Reuse and as the girl jokingly tries on a faux fur coat, his loving gaze towards her only grows stronger. A mother and her young daughter giggle at something they see across the street and the little girl squeezes her mother's hand in excitement. A young women stands in the sunglasses section with me in To Herb With Love and smiles at herself in the mirror, finally finding the pair of shades she felt fit her face shape. This post is definitely all over the place and there isn't really one topic I've stuck to, but I wanted to share the thoughts going through my head. 

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