September 12, 2015


When you're born and raised in a city, your city, you forget to notice the beauty within it. You don't notice the old architecture of the buildings, or that Ice Cream shop that has been around since you parents lived there, or the bookstores that you take for granted, but others are smitten by. Yesterday afternoon, my best friend Nicole and I decided to go to our favourite cafe, Julie's Coffee and Tea Garden. Nicole doodled while occasionally drinking her coffee, while I wrote a short story, taking breaks to sip at my tea and scroll through Instagram. While we had that time to unwind after a long week, I realized how lucky we are to be living in such an amazing city. Not just because of the many little cafes and reading spots, but because of the people, the scenery and the diversity. As we finished up at Julie's we decided to walk around a bit, noticing a Beer Garden and other cute restaurants, those of which we had no idea were there in the first place. An extremely adorable shop, and although expensive, the prices are necessary, called Daisy's was about two blocks away and we decided to look around. It's gorgeous, to say the least. The owner, a very nice women obviously has some serious talent in the art of interior designing. Nicole and I couldn't resist and bought matching maps of Paris. Sadly, after our outing, I headed home and Nicole had to leave for dance class, but I don't think I've ever head such a satisfying day in my city. It's truly one of a kind. 
You can find more photos from this day on my Instagram and Nicole's Instagram.

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