September 19, 2015


Today, I, unfortunately went through a very traumatic experience. I won't state the details because it's still a fresh wound, and I am an emotional person, but my brother, mum and I could have gotten in a very life threatening car accident today. Thank God, everything turned out alright and no one was injured, physically, but I am still incredibly shaken from the whole ordeal. Being in a situation where you legitimately think you are going to die, really does put things in perspective. It made me realize how thankful I really am for my family, my amazingly supportive friends who I could never thank enough, the fact that I live in a home and not on the street, that I don't have to fight for my education and that overall, even though I have my first world problems regularly, they always pass. I will remember this day, not to scar me, but to remind me that I have a good life. 

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