June 14, 2015


This post is extremely late due to my horrible procrastination and the fact that I just graduated so there was lots to do before school was over. I recently went to the east coast for an extremely educational trip with students from my school. The flight to D.C. was six restless hours long. I was sat in the middle seat and was expected to sleep through the flight. Of course, I was wide awake just about the whole time, leaning over my friend Dean to take "artsy" photos of the sky from the window. I will be posting photos on my Instagram from time to time on @a.shirgul. Once we landed, we were on the go. From museum to museum, we tiredly shuffled through every room, asking when we'll be getting to the hotel to sleep every once in a while. 

We visited just about every memorial, museum, cemetery and college around. My absolute favourite memorial had to be the Lincoln Memorial. Sadly, we were a bit rushed when we were there because of some sort of commotion causing police to arrive at the scene. Going to the Soldier's Home National Cemetery was the most depressing scene. At the time that we were there it was gloomy, windy and the rain was pouring hard, making the moment even more depressing. The amount of unknown soldiers that were buried there is heartbreaking. Georgetown University was beautiful. We had the opportunity to tour parts of the school and being my nerdy self, the library was my favourite place in the whole school. It was massive, with such a variety of different books.

As much as I would like to go on and on about my trip, that would bore everyone to death so I'm going to end these drawled out paragraphs. Enjoy the photos below! (the photos aren't in chronological order).

ari xx. 

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